IPSS Programs



Event Overview

IPSS (International Pharmacy Summer School) is an annual event organized by the Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This year is the 10th time this program has been held. This program will combine academic and non-academic experiences to introduce the learning process of the UMY pharmacy study program to domestic and international students. Some of the programs offered by this event are:

  • Educational Program
  • Stadium General

General stadiums are public lectures filled in by professional lecturers who discuss topics according to the event’s sub-themes to broaden participants’ knowledge.

  • Tutorial

Class discussion by a teacher (tutor) for a student or a small group of students to discuss and resolve a pharmaceutical case.

  • Interprofessional Education

Practice collaboration between two or more professions health that learns from each other’s roles and perspectives of other health professions as outlined in a case discussion. This activity aims to improve collaboration skills and the quality of health services.

  • Laboratory Activity

Activities in practice or application of pharmaceutical theory, especially in making herbal cosmetics.

  • Medical Tour

Activities that invite participants to go around and get to know the facilities and infrastructure of the Pharmacy Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

  • Pharmacy Social Activity

Social activities in the form of visits to schools in Yogyakarta. This activity aims to introduce the pharmaceutical profession and provide information to students regarding herbs or other relevant topics.

  • Assessment

The computer-based exam uses Multiple Choice questions (MCQ), which aim to test participants’ understanding of the material during the activity.Non-Educational Program.

  • Non-Educational Program
  • Welcoming Ceremony

The welcoming ceremony symbolizes welcoming participants and opening the event symbolically. This activity will be held with a typical Yogyakarta culture as a cultural introduction to participants.

  • International Night

IPSS facilitates the cultural exchange of each country of the participants by introducing traditional food. This event is designed to be warm and is expected to strengthen the relationship between participants.

  • Learn Indonesian and Sharing Time

Activities introducing Indonesian and Javanese as a means of introducing culture to participants. Participants will also present their respective languages ​​and cultures to other participants.

  • Tour de Yogyakarta

This activity will visit various tourist attractions in Yogyakarta, packaged in natural and cultural tourism. In addition, participants were also invited to visit the natural product industry in Yogyakarta as a form of further learning.

  • Farewell Ceremony

This activity is the closing of the entire series of IPSS 2024  events. This activity includes symbolic closing, cultural performances and the IPSS Award.